
Evaluation of the parasympathetic tone activity (PTA)™ index as biomarker of nociception in pigs

Evaluation of the parasympathetic tone activity (PTA)™ index as biomarker of nociception in pigs

One of the main aims of our group is to research on nociceptive processes, diagnostic strategies and treatment approaches in animals.

A major challenge for veterinarians is to correctly evaluate nociception during general anaesthesia. In this context, novel strategies should be investigated.

With the financial support of the UniBern Forschungsstiftung we were able to acquire the parasympathetic tone activity (PTA)™ monitor (Fig.1). Through the analysis of the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system (heart rate variability evaluation), it provides the anaesthesiologists with an index of nociception (PTA index), expressed on a scale between 0 and 100: values close to 100 indicate absence of nociception, while values below 50 suggest presence of nociception.

The present project aims at assessing the reliability of the PTA in pigs, species largely used for experimental and translational studies. Data were collected before, during, and after the application of various nociceptive stimuli. while the pigs were under propofol-based anaesthesia. Data collection has been completed, and analysis is ongoing.

The PTA index has the potential to serve as an additional tool for evaluating the nociceptive/anti-nociceptive status of animals under general anaesthesia.

Dr. med. vet. Alessandro Mirra
Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy Section
Vetsuisse Faculty 

Figure 1: Parasympathetic tone activity (PTA)™ monitor

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